This short story needs to be read in conjunction with the previous story of this series: [b:Life Prison|6385394|Life Prison (Life Prison, #1)|Dusk Peterson||6573607]. Then, using the knowledge gleaned in that about the different characters, the untold story can be extrapolated. Each cryptic phrase unleashes a whole myriad of action the reader is able to build in their imagination.There are a few threads to follow, as Thomas, a guard at Compassion prison, communicates with Sedgewick a guard at Mercy prison:1. which guard is in charge of his former prisoner, Merrick?2. what has Merrick been up to since he left?3. what has Sedgewick been doing?In return Sedge tries to discover what changes Tom has been able to make now he is back at the prison run by his father who checks the outgoing correspondence but not the incoming.Each sentence, each word therefore conveys meaning, as do the different levels of regard in the sign-offs at the end.There are other stories planned in this series, no doubt more will be gleaned with what happens with Merrick down the track.None of Dusk's characters are innocent. They are in prison often because they are murderers. The point is: can they be redeemed and is sometimes their prison a better place after they have been?