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Tricky - Clancy Nacht I really loved this story and have no hesitation in rating it this highly. The "voice" of the character is so strong and the writing likewise.It's only short, but it packs a mean punch. I won't reveal the plot because there are a couple of twists. Instead, I'll let the main character speak for himself. (We don't even discover his name for ages, but that's fine.)If I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right; so I'll start by talking straight to you, and quickly disabuse you of any notions that this is some sort of hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold story. Right now, me and you, we’ll sit down, and we'll talk about where this comes from; so if you want to get out of it you'll know, before you've gotten this to the check-out counter........that's how it was until he came back.You know him . . . the guy you once loved. The only one who could blow into your life like a hurricane and take everything down in its path. In fisherman's parlance, the one that got away.Just when I was at a point in my life where I felt good about myself and my choices, John came back and birds started singing.Oh, the little things we do to each other, particularly the ones we love. All of the ones we really feel something for, and in doing so, we blow our future away. Blow it away by being stubborn. By being too clever. By saying regrettable things at the critical moment.....Every word, every phrase is needed. None are wasted. We go on a journey with two characters who are real, have flaws and strengths. Thanks to Clancy's talent, this journey is very enjoyable. A real page turner.