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Tigers & Devils

Tigers and Devils - Sean Kennedy This book did more than anything to convince me that stories could be set outside the United States and still appeal to readers.It deals with one of the most unfathomable mysteries known to man. The absolute devotion and obsession of Melburnites with Aussie Rules football. Even to a Sydneysider, where there is no parallel, this single mindedness about a fairly obscure sport is difficult to comprehend.Believe me when I say that Sean has captured this perfectly. If a reader thinks any aspect of this is over the top or far-fetched, take it from who knows. It isn't.Added to this was the ability to have an m/m romance accepted by a publisher without the need to include graphic sexual encounters. Dreamspinner has to be applauded for setting what I hope will be a new standard in the publishing world.Kudos to Sean for a great read.