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The Palace of Varieties

The Palace Of Varieties - James Lear This book is available in a Kindle edition.Set in London between the two World Wars, this tale of sex and debauchery is an amusing and often poignant picture of life at the time and the hypocritical figures that populated the upper echelons of society and the arts.The book is as much a social commentary as a tale of Paul’s sexploitation. The sheer variety of all the different personalities he fucks, not just their size or sexual proclivity adds to the enjoyment. The chapters on the Russian artist, Boleslavsky, and the inspiration behind some of his “masterpieces” are amusingly droll.A rake’s progress or in this case a whore’s progress, the narrator grows from a rebellious eighteen year old run away, through a life of ease and fame, back down again to be reborn as an adult going off to war.While I enjoyed his better known book “The Back Passage”, I found this one had a lot more meat to chow down on.