There are two stories here, the up front tale of the ex-con being brutal and brutalised. This tale is sordid with rape, murder, torture... the whole bit.Then there's the message behind the story, cries from the heart by the author about the police, best detailed in this quote: “My bet is, he gets off on it,” he said. “Our Officer Shayes. He gets to wag his dick in our faces then toss us in jail for merely suggesting we want it. Then he goes home to his wife and says, ‘Honey, I had three men come on to me, today. I could’ve gotten blowjobs right an’ left, so you’d better give me one. Right now. Careful with the teeth, this time. Not that I know how a blow job’s supposed to be given, seeing as how I’ve never been touched by another man.’ My bet is, that’s how he gets himself up. That’s how they all do, these plainclothes vice queens who see gay men as inevitable criminals.” and jails, men missing out on having a decent chance in life because of their past. It's about how easy it is to make stupid mistakes and whether people can learn from their mistakes. It's about whether people can be honest with themselves.There's no good guys and bad guys. The reader is transported into their world. They're all reacting like dogs who have been badly treated and bite whoever is closest whenever they think they can get away with it. Finally, the book's title comes back to who is actually getting raped here?