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Caught - A.B. Gayle As I wrote this book. I really shouldn't rate or review it. I do however want to say how indebted I am to my beta-readers Kei Chan for helping me find the right cover image and Don and Kate for steering me away from the cliff edge, keeping me to the path. Thanks guys. Finally to Dreamspinner Press for publishing it and being so supportive along the way.I know Author's aren't supposed to "explain" their books, but a number of people have commented about the unrealistic element of the short time frame, so I'll explain why I did that.When I wrote "Caught" I had in mind something I witnessed as a child: A family friend was fishing on the beach with a light (5lb) breaking strain line when he hooked a massive fish. He spent half an hour "playing it", allowing it to run and then when tired reeling it in. In an early draft of "Caught" near the beginning I had Connie tell this story to Daniel, saying sometimes achieving a difficult "Catch" he has to be prepared for a long battle. As time went on during edits, more and more of this story got cut until it disappeared completely. But I did see the whole encounter between the two men as an echo of this.In other words from the time the story started to the time it ended was one long "fishing duel". If the action had stopped at any one point and Daniel had gone home, I couldn't see their paths ever crossing again. The "fish wouldn't have been landed"The interesting thing is that these criticisms have actually given me the meat, as it were, for the sequel. Can a relationship that started out so quickly, intensely last? Does Danny feel trapped?