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Bad Boyfriend (Bad in Baltimore)

Bad Boyfriend - K.A. Mitchell One of the first blog posts on my website was a collection of random comments K.A.Mitchell made on her blog which as a new wannabe writer, I found really useful. Here's a snippet:K.A.MITCHELL my new fav author 06/06/2010"I guess since most of my male characters don't usually like to talk about their feelings, even to themselves, this is the way they express them, sometimes rough, sometimes tender, sometimes possessive. I guess what I write is porn with plot.""Even if the sex is hot and varied, if the emotions behind it aren't changing, it's repetitive.""To me an erotica is a story where much of the emotional growth and conflict is expressed either in the sex scenes or results from the sex scenes.""My favorite pairings to read and watch and write are of a control freak who is shut down and an equally stubborn you-will-notice-me character (*coughs* Aaron and Joey). But as much as I love that pairing, those personality types are absolutely nothing like me personally. Is that why I like them so much? Or is it because they're so perfectly matched in conflict that they make for a good story?"Thirty months have passed since then and guess what? K.A. is still writing not good but great stories. She's still tempting me to quit pretending to be an author and take up tatting instead because I know everything I write pales in comparison.I liked "Bad Company", but I love "Bad Boyfriend".In my review of the former, I put in a plea for Eli's story. K.A. coughed up a beauty. She captured perfectly the insecurities and strengths they each had that made them such a perfect fit when they meshed together.Now all we need is one for Jamie and Silver.... and possibly Terry. If they're male and gay, I'm sure K.A. will develop a great back story for the characters. Give them just enough conflict to keep the story ticking along nicely, and include a liberal sprinkling of well-written sex comprising just the right mix of graphic detail and emotional connection to make any writer green with envy.K.A. is still my fav author. So' scuse me while I go back to the beginning and read it again